Some of us like crowds, and others of us don’t, but all of us, without exception, need other people in our lives. God made us that way. His mission works that way, too, and when we allow ourselves to get involved in what he’s doing, it’s marvelous, even miraculous!
Here at the WMPL USA offices, we’ve just completed some very exciting weeks that have been filled with many people. On June 9-10 our Board of Directors gathered for some very productive meetings. That was followed by our “Family Camp” week at Mount Carmel Ministries near Alexandria, MN, where a delightfully diverse crowd of all ages came together for worship times, Bible teaching, inspiring mission stories, powerful prayer sessions, great food, and good healthy doses of fun. Immediately after this, with barely time for us to breathe, we entered into an intense WMPL Orientation Week (WOW!) for some fine young adults who are considering becoming Kingdom workers with us.
All of this coming together has been absolutely marvelous! It is in times like these that we learn more of the miraculous mathematics of what Scripture refers to as “two or three.”
“Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”
– Jesus, in Matthew 18:19,20

It turns out that there are times and circumstances when, by God’s plan and promise, two or three is more than two or three! We have taken this to heart in the World Mission Prayer League. We are, after all, a “league,” a community gathered around Jesus for the purposes of prayer and mission. By God’s marvelous design, we are, in fact, many. There are things God means for us to do together. We want to affirm that identity and design, and to invite you into it.
I see at least four ways in which God has us to embrace and experience the “marvel” of many:
In our gathering. When we come together in his name, Jesus promises actually to be present with us, making amazing things happen. We experience deep growth in our relationships with him and with one another. This happens in a very special way at our two annual camps, to which all are welcome. One is our June Family Camp week at Mount Carmel, and the other is a weekend family retreat (scheduled for March 27-29, 2020) at Camp Okoboji in Iowa. These are great times to share in the Word and fellowship, to rub shoulders with global workers, and to learn more of God’s mission through their stories.
In our asking. Surely God hears and answers the pleas of the solitary soul, but we have additional assurance from Jesus that our Father in heaven will respond miraculously when we come before him with our united prayers. If you already pray for the lost and the work of Christian missions, why not join with others to do so? The WMPL home staff does so almost daily. Additionally, on the first Tuesday evening of each month we invite others in the Minneapolis area to join us for a time of sharing and to “Ask for the Nations.” On October 5, 2019, we’ll also host a half-day prayer event to ask God to send more laborers into the mission harvest fields, responding to the command Jesus gave 72 of his followers in Luke 10:2. We’re hoping that many – perhaps you – will join us.
In our going. Just as Jesus sent out the 72 in pairs (Luke 10:1), so we in WMPL desire to see the workers we send out participating in teams that are serving together. We strongly prefer that, in particular, our workers not “miss out on the marvel of many,” believing that God’s Kingdom advances with greater strides when God’s people are walking and working together. Please pray for the development and ongoing work of such teams, particularly in places where access is more challenging.
In our telling. Along with the first disciples, we are commissioned by Jesus to be witnesses of his death and resurrection, in hopes that those who hear will find their salvation in this Good News and also become his disciples. Quoting a principle of the Old Testament, Jesus taught that bringing others to repentance and faith may very well require the witness of not just one, but several (Matt. 18:15-18). Some, I’m quite sure, needed the voices of many Christian witnesses before they finally found themselves trusting in the Savior. Who might need to hear the gospel from you?
Don’t miss out, friends, on the “marvel of many.” Through the God-given gift of faith in Jesus you will be among the many who gather in the end around his throne to give him all praise and honor and glory! Do not wait, however, to be part of the many! Even now, look for God’s Spirit to guide and equip you to be part of the “many” – the many he will use, through their gathering, asking, going, and telling, to bring many more into his Kingdom! Trust me. It will be marvelous, even miraculous!