
The Lord made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and Moses himself was highly regarded in Egypt by Pharaoh’s officials and by the people. (Exodus 11:3 NIV)

God uses people to accomplish his purpose. When God wanted Israel to be freed from captivity in Egypt he chose Moses to lead them. Earlier in his life Moses tried to help his people on his own terms, when he killed an Egyptian who was beating an Israelite. Rather than being appreciated, his own people questioned him. “Who made you ruler and judge over us?” said one (Exodus 2:14). Pharaoh, of course, tried to kill him, forcing Moses to flee from what had been his home.

Now, 40 years later, God asked Moses to return and become the one to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses did not feel up to the task. He did not think the Israelites would believe that God had sent him, and he knew that Pharaoh would not want to let his slaves go.

Moses found the task so daunting that he even dared to argue with God about taking the job. He insisted that he was not qualified and eventually plainly asked God to choose someone else. But God had chosen Moses, and Moses eventually obeyed.

As time passes from the episode of the burning bush to the night of the first Passover, a transformation occurs in Moses. He is no longer fearfully questioning God’s commands, but instead is quick to obey and bold in front of Pharaoh and the elders of Israel. Moses is even seen interceding on behalf of the Israelites. He no longer stammers as he tells Pharaoh time after time what God is about to do.

Sometimes we also find ourselves in a situation when we know that God is calling us to do something that feels beyond our ability. In times like these, it is good to read Exodus and watch how God’s chosen man, who was “slow of speech and tongue,” is transformed into God’s instrument to lead a nation (Exodus 4:10,11). Two things were critical in this transformation: timing and obedience. Moses had previously tried to help Israel, but it was not yet God’s timing. That did not work very well. The other consideration is obedience. Though he hesitated, Moses eventually obeyed, and as he continued to walk in obedience he saw the power of God. When Moses obediently moved ahead with God’s plan, his uncertainty was diminished and God’s will was accomplished through him.

In February donations to missionary support funds paid for 53 percent of all support expenses; $39,901 was used from the General Fund to supplement missionary allowances and $31,504 was used from the Estate Fund to supplement benefit expenses for the month.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

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