Our Lord is Faithful

It is hard to believe we are already a few months into this new year. While we look with anticipation to what God has in store for 2023, I would like us to take a moment and reflect on what God did in 2022.

Allow me to briefly describe how the Lord provided financially for the World Mission Prayer League in the year 2022 by sharing some numbers with you.

Although more than 2.4 million dollars were received from individual donors, churches, and other organizations, overall donations for the year 2022 decreased by 13 percent over donations in 2021. It is also worth noting that last year we experienced some investment losses as well.

Donations designated to the Mission General Fund decreased by 15 percent, from $731,000 to $621,000. Donations designated to our workers’ Support and Benefits Fund also decreased by 19 percent last year. Donations designated to specific work and project funds were similarly down.

In 2022 our total expenses increased by 5 percent from the previous year. Expenses directly related to Global Worker allowances increased by 2 percent. Amidst the continued increase in health care costs, expenses related to Worker benefits decreased 5 percent. In the middle of last year, we switched health insurance providers, which resulted in some savings, hence the decrease in benefit expenses. Expenses related to information and publicity increased 10 percent in 2022.

I hope these numbers give you a general picture of WMPL’s financial activity in 2022. Moreover, we have mentioned in previous months that our Business Office, in collaboration with our Finance Committee, are working hard to analyze financial data over the span of the past five years in order to have a broader picture of what God is doing in and through our organization.

These numbers might not seem too promising and they might cause us to worry. However, we can take this opportunity to pray and to grow in our trust and dependence in God. In Matthew 6:26, we read Jesus’ reminder, “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (NIV)

We can attest to our Lord’s faithfulness and the many great things God has done in and through the World Mission Prayer League. God’s work is not dependent on our financial stability, on how much money we have had, or how well we have invested our funds. Rather, we acknowledge God’s grace, provision, unconditional love for us, and our complete dependence in him.


ALLOWANCE: Designated Support:$45,186
General Support:$30,403
BENEFITS: Designated Support:$58,826
Transfer from Estate Fund:$0
Donations to Benefits Fund: $75
Number of full-time worker units: 32
Minimum allowance provided: 100%

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