Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant…

“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!'” (Matthew 25:23)

photo-1416431168657-a6c4184348abOne of my responsibilities is to keep our membership records up-to-date. In the process of doing this, I have read hundreds of obituaries of Prayer League members who have completed the race and moved on to heaven. I have noticed some wonderful similarities in the lives of these faithful saints.

One prominent theme is devotion to God and ministry. “[His] unwavering faith in God was an important part of his life,” read one obituary. “He was blessed with the gift of servanthood as an active member of his church.” Another theme is devotion to family. “He loved his family,” said one obituary simply. “[He] always made time to play with the children,” said another. These are people who loved God most of all. “Her inner running conversation with Jesus showed in her integrity, and care for people,” read the obituary of one woman.

They were pastors, missionaries, nurses, secretaries, servicemen, farmers, and judges who were committed to living out their faith both within their career setting and outside of it. One used his professional expertise to help maintain a YWAM Mercy Ship. Over and over again, I saw examples of how they used their gifts for the purpose of honoring God by serving others.

I am proud to be associated with these colleagues in faith and mission. I have been personally challenged by the example of their lives. They have reminded me to live life urgently. Although many lived into their 80’s and 90’s and beyond, I am reminded that life is short and we must use the days that God has given us wisely. God has given us all a “few things.” It is our job to be faithful servants, and use the energies he has given for his purposes.

The table summarizes our financial results for April, as it relates to allowance payments. The minimum allowance paid was 87% of our target allowance. An additional $7,127 in General Fund donations would have permitted us to pay full targeted allowances to all of our missionaries. Last month we received a few donations designated directly for our Benefits Fund, which allowed us to take less from our Estate Fund in order to pay for the fixed costs of Missionary Benefits. Thank you, as always, for your partnership in this ministry!

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