“Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord” (Psalm 107:43).
As most of you know, the missionaries of the World Mission Prayer League depend upon God for their provision. This means that if funds come in for missionary support they eat fairly well, while if funds don’t come in they may not. Their provision comes in the form of direct missionary support donations, supplemented by general fund balances left over after expenses have been paid. Recently, the Lord’s provision has been good. Thank you for your participation!
Living in this way of trust is not always easy, and this is especially true for new missionaries just starting out. In the beginning, a new missionary heads to the field full of faith and enthusiasm, vim and vigor. When the first unsolicited checks come in they are amazed at God’s answers to prayer and their faith and trust soar. A few months later, when the general fund is a little too low to provide full allowances, they may start to wonder, “Is God really behind me on this?” Maybe they will rustle up some courage or faith by quoting Scriptures to themselves about God being in control. The older seasoned missionary, on the other hand, has been through the cycle many times and will look back at their experience of God coming through for them, and rest in his peace.
In one of his sermons, C.H. Spurgeon likens God’s providence to a chariot wheel. A point on the wheel may at one moment be going up to the top and the next moment going down to the dust, as the wheel revolves. He goes on to say that this is the way it is in our lives. One moment we may feel we are on top and life is good. The next moment we may be in poverty wondering where we will lay our head. The critical thing, Spurgeon points out, is that there is a place on the wheel that never moves – the axel at the center of the revolving wheel. The pivot point at the center of God’s providence is his love for his people.
As you look back on your life, do you see how your life has moved up and down? Do you see how God in his love has been using both the high points and the low points to mold you into the trusting servant he wants you to be? The 107th Psalm is a great illustration of this idea and concludes, “Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the Lord.”