Pausing the Plows

We find a reassuring and even divine rhythm in praising Jesus “for all that is past,” and then trusting him “for all that’s to come.” Before “praying it forward,” we spent some time “praising it backward.”

Our Lord Has Answered!

Starting in March we will bring on a new Administrative Director who has a strong administrative gift set. I cannot even begin to express to you my excitement in this!

Listening to Our Samuels

Friends, let’s listen more to the Samuels among us! These young adults want us to hear their stories and thoughts and take them seriously.

Continue to Wait With Expectation

What a joy and peace we can walk in, knowing he is here in our midst, God with us! As I look back on the past year, I am reminded that God has already been faithful.

When Different Means More

All times require the same Good News, but different times call for different ways of getting that Good News out.

How Gifts Are Distributed

We desire to clearly share with you how we are using the funds that the Lord has entrusted to us through your generous gifts. So, here is the backstory of the numbers printed monthly in this article.

The Work Continues

Who will be the next generation who prays, goes and supports? God is raising up a new generation of workers for the harvest. He is already preparing them.

Different, But the Same

I want us unashamedly to listen to and be led by those among them whom God has gifted to dream and to act. Indeed, they are different, and yet they are the same. That, my friends, is good, very good.

Does Anyone Want to See My Resume?

The reality is that we need your continued prayers as we move forward. We are still understaffed and have a lot to learn. Our capacity is already maxed out, and there is still much to be done.